Like all journalistic things, feature writing is an essential part in journalism. Writing to an audience gets their attention for sure, but writing about your audience makes people feel valued in the community.

The Unseen Critics
Instead of the more traditional way of writing a feature - focusing on one person - I wrote about a group of people dedicated to theatre at my school. Writing about a topic I had no knowledge or experience in was daunting at first, but with research and insight from the people I covered on my story, I was able to use my story as a way not just to inform the community, but to inform myself about certain groups and events.
Hear His Story
While sitting in the back of Bradley Harper's presentation to the Black Student Union (BSU), I began to take notes about the different legal cases he talked about. Not only was the presentation insightful, but it lead me to look deeper into Harper's life, and how he came up to be interested in law. Through this story, I was able to learn about the untaught history of our country and begin to understand Harper, and his journey in life that brought him to where he is now.